Invest in Saving

1.Use a humidifier.DOE states that, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity's moisture that increases the heat index, making 68 degrees feel like 76." (E Magazine,2005) This will decrease your need for heating, but also relieve cold and flu symptoms, prevent itchy skin and cracked lips, and reduction of nosebleeds if the user is prone to them. The ideal temperature to keep the humidity level is 30-40%. Too much will make the house feel muggy. A good indication that there's too much is if the windows show moisture. A good place to put the humidifier is in a hallway, so everyone reaps the benefits.(Essortment, 2002)

2.Put blinds or draperies on the windows in order to slow down the loss of heat from the house through the glass window. Then, in the winter, keep the blinds open to gain warmth from the sun and close them at night to enclose the heat. (NW Natural, 2008)

3.Purchase an Energy Star television. The Energy Star television meets the efficiency guidelines of the US EPA and the department of energy; as well as, saving energy even when it is turned off. There are about 275 million televisions in use today in the United States. This uses over 50 billion kWh, which is enough electricity to power New York for an entire year (EPA Energy Star 2008). The cost for an Energy Star television is the same as any television. If you get an LCD screen, it will be pricier. The only draw back is that you will have to go out of your way to find the Energy Star televisions. If you would like to see which kind of television is an Energy Star, visit and scroll down to the bottom where it says “Find ENERGY STAR Qualified Televisions.” By using Energy Star televisions, a person will save 30% more energy.

4.Laptops use about 10% or less of the electricity used by a regular desktop. When buying a laptop, buy one that are comprised of 3.3-volt components (LCD, memory and processor). These systems use 40-50% less energy than 5.0-volt systems and they have lighter batteries. (Earth Easy, 2008)

5.Switch your power surge strips with energy saving “Smart” ones. For instance use smart strip. These strips save energy by sensing electronics that are not being used and turning the power supply off (Dunn 2005). The initial cost is about $20-$40, depending on what model you get.

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