Energy investments

These are all ways to invest your money to save it in the long run. Each idea will conserve water or energy, and consequently give you a reduced bill at the end of the month.

1. Energy: Buy compact fluorescent bulbs. They last between eight and twelve times longer than the traditional light bulb. One light bulb can conserve about two hundred and sixty pounds of CO2 per year. Though they are a little bit more expensive than normal light bulbs, in the long run, they last much much longer. They can last as long as ten years.

2. Energy: Weathering Doorways- Add Weather Stripping around doors and windows. The use of door thresholds, window caulking, and plastic window film could save up to
20% with an investment of as little as $25 (WNC Green Building Council,2006).

3. Water: Buy low flow shower heads because they reduce three hundred pounds of CO2 emissions per year for electrically heated water and eighty pounds of CO2 emissions for gas-heated water. They only cost between ten and fifteen dollars.

4. Water: Fix leaking faucets if a leak drops one drop of water every second you can waste up to 165 gallons of water per month.

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